Statement of Work – Activation Services

1. Acceptance of Statement of Work

(a) This is a Statement of Work (SOW) under the Software Terms of Use and Software Proposal between the Client set out in Schedule 1 to the Terms (Client, you) and Style Arcade Pty Ltd (ACN 601 545 644) of 52 Reservoir Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia (Style Arcade, we or us) (Terms).

(b) This SOW is incorporated into the Terms by reference and the provisions of the Terms apply to this SOW. Capitalised terms which are not defined in this SOW have the meaning given in the Terms.

(c) If the Terms specify that "Activation Services" apply, by signing the Terms (including proposal), you agree to be bound by the terms set out in this SOW.

2. Related Services

Subject to your compliance with the Terms and payment of any relevant Fees, Style Arcade agrees to provide the following Related Services to you:

(a) Assistance in:
(i) generating an automated data feed into the Software or integrating with your current ERP and/or other source systems as per the sales proposal, limited to a rolling three (3) years of data; and
(ii) structuring the Software to your business and planning/buying hierarchy;

(b) Bug/performance fixes and technical Support during the project/implementation phase, being prior to Go Live pursuant to clause 24.

(c) 4 hours of training provided to you, as needed, valid for 3 months after the Go Live date. Any training set out in this section is to be provided at your head office or online, as agreed between the parties.

3. Deliverables

Style Arcade will provide the following Deliverables:
(a) The Software, populated with your data as provided by you to us or as otherwise extracted.

4. Your Obligations

You must:

(a) where applicable, promptly provide to Style Arcade the system mapping logic required to match source systems/third party data sources to Style Arcade; and

(b) do one of the following:
(i) provide to Style Arcade, an automated data extract (in accordance with the format specified by Style Arcade in writing from time to time); OR
(ii) enlist a 3rd party to provide the automated data extract (in accordance with the format specified by Style Arcade in writing from time to time); OR
(iii) enable access to your data through an API and ensure this access remains available for Style Arcade at all times.

Note that you are solely liable for checking and fixing any data validation issues between your source systems/third party data sources and Style Arcade.

5. Acceptance Process

In addition to the Acceptance process set out in clause 28 of the Terms, the following processes apply:

(a) Style Arcade will work with you during the testing process to ensure that the Deliverables are tested correctly.  You must make available, the required employees for three (3) x 90 minute sessions with Style Arcade on consecutive weeks (Acceptance Sessions). The Acceptance Sessions will be held at your office or via Zoom meeting (at Style Arcade's discretion);

6. Acceptance Criteria

(a) The Software has been populated with your data;
(b) The Software, including data inputted into the Software, does not contain any errors, bugs, inaccuracies or issues;
(c) The Software, including data inputted into the Software, is working as intended by you.